Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Day 2012

I wake up to a familiar sound. The little voice fluctuates back and forth between the two simple words. "Mommy...Daddy...Mommy...Daddy." This goes on for a couple of minutes, getting progressively faster until the words blur together and I am pulled out of dream state. My daughter is ready to eat; she wants her cereal and she is not patient in this regard. I think I know where she gets that, and its not from her mother :)....knowing I am unable to delay the inevitable any longer (the classic "go play with your toys for a minute baby" has lost its effect, if it had any in the 1st place. I get up and grab the fruit loops and turn on the cartoons. The pot of coffee cannot brew quickly enough, but I am up either way. New years resolution...keep her happy and put her 1st always, because there's nothing better than waking up in such a way.

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